No sooner have the Crumble Elections (star of Issue #2) ended that everything is going wrong again. In a storyline unintentionally reminiscent of real life, The Crumble Bulletin Issue #3 Aftermath  shows that the townsfolk of Crumble have not taken kindly to their new mayor.

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What’s Issue #3 about?

The elections are over – a new candidate is in charge of Crumble. But just because Mr Minopoly has won the electoral vote, doesn’t mean life is going to be easy at the top of the food chain, oh no.

Rumours of conspiracy abound, riots have sprouted up all over town and the more “Moppers” tries to clamp down, the more the fires spread. The Crumble Bulletin’s third issue is the publication’s biggest yet, but hey – at least people are taking an interest in their local politics, right?

It just so happens that interest is with an axe.

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