Resistance is a core part of what makes Crumble folk great. We resisted the Waste, we resisted the Overlords, and now we resist Minopoly. We are organising Super Secret Meetings all over town and surrounds. If you want to join, we’ll find you. If we don’t find you … sorry. It’s pretty hard organising Super […]

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The no-good, criminal-turned-criminal-again Crusty Higgins has been declared Wanted by the sheriffs office after being charged with helping the so-called Resisters. Henceforth, forthwith and forever more until Death does his part, anyone harbouring the known fugitive and quite rude human being known as Crusty Higgins will face the full force of the law. And, given […]

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Dear readers, We are aware of the distressing nature of our most recent content, which contained a hideous drawing of Mayor Minopoly as well as some rather disturbing prose, signed by the so-called Resisters. Disregard it all. Cast if from your simple minds. Hit yourselves on the head, if it must be so. Here at […]

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We are the Risisters! We’ve hijacked the Crumble Bulletin’s bulletin board to bring you a dire warning. To all those who still defend Mayor Minopoly after all he’s done – the homes, the money, the insults, the so many ‘what whats’ (honestly it’s just…so annoying to listen to) – we have a warning for you. […]

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Hello valued readers of the Crumble Bulletin. We’re here today to address some letters we’ve received regarding the most recent of events around our beautiful, perfect town. In fact, your letters have been streaming in at a near-constant rate, which we’ve only just managed to halt since we forcefully dismantled Helga Twohearts’ letter-gun that she’d […]

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Betty’s Big Bread is proud to introduce our new, fabulous baked treat – Bread 2.0. Why we reckon Bread 2.0 is the next best thing since Bread 1.0! But why buy some swanky new loaf when you could stick with your favourite old logs that Betty’s Big Bread has been crafting so superbly for over […]

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