Hi all, you’ll be lucky to get a complete list of Death Notices at his point I think, as the situation is developing rapidly, I’m already drunk, and it’s nearly time for me to go home and stop reporting. That said, we have been receiving some names and hearing a few more through the grapevine, […]

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Looks like we’ve got a few new Death Notices to discuss this week now that the Battle for the Crumble Lookout and Heart of Janice Butler has wound down. Flynn is still out of action, holed up in Goldstein’s hospital while he gets his wittle oopsy-woopsies looked at by a doctor. Cor it was a […]

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Oooooh boy. I think it’s safe to say that the mob got out of hand. Let this post serve as the Crumble Bulletin’s official apology – we meant to cause harm, but not to the citizens of Crumble. See official statement below: Crumble Bulletin official apology Citizens of Crumble, It is with our most humble […]

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Sorry, folks – quick retraction from this week’s death notices. The semi-intact body of Old Man McGregor turned up at the office and has declared himself alive and able-bodied. Looks like hell, though. Quite the odour following him about, too. Well, more so than usual. If you can still read, Mr McGregor, please clean yourself […]

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Apologies for the day-late Death Notices, I hope you’re still alive this week and not dismembered in any way. Bloody tits, that rampaging Waste Beast was huge, wasn’t it? Don’t think I’ve ever seen one so big. Donald really screwed up this time. Anyway, notices are a little bit longer this week, so you can probably […]

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Hi all, hope you’ve had a nice week. If you’re reading this, then you’re not on the list of death notices for this week, so congratulations! I think you deserve a drink or two. Maybe not from the Dead Man’s Bridge well, though – avoid that if you know what’s good for ya. Official death […]

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Morning all! Plenty of you have been asking for a regular death notices update so you can keep track of all the gossip, so if you could please send in details of your recently deceased, I’ll compile them regularly and publish them here in the Bulletin. NB: If your relative has become deceased but then […]

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