Bulletin Updates, Issue #2

Town Hall under seige

A small Monopolite raiding party has split off from the main rabble outside the town hall and found its way inside, dismembering two council volunteers and fleeing after a short but deeply fierce battle.

People are taking this vote very seriously

It turns out that as soon as you take the Fight to the Death away from the mayors, their supporters do it instead! I’m still inside the town hall, but if you’re reading this, my little runner boys have managed to get out. Damn I’m smart – I sent four extra as meat shields decoys.

So, crap, OK, a big attack just took place inside the town hall. Some of the Monopolites used the ruckus outside to slip into the back of the hall unseen, springing quite dramatically out of a janitor’s closet to assail the good people who selflessly volunteered their night to be boring and count the votes.

Some of the Monopolites used the ruckus outside to slip into the back of the hall unseen, springing quite dramatically out of a janitor’s closet.

What followed was a fierce and bloody battle as we, the good people of Crumble, pushed back against the anti-democracy invaders. A fight in which I am proud to say not only was I involved, but that I got a kill! Score one for democracy.

In the end we had two dead council volunteers and four mopped up Monopolites. Doctor Goldstein is now treating the wounded, but he may as well not bother. We got ’em gooooooood. Let the angry buggers bleed. One of ’em nicked me in the arm with a knife and it really hurts. The cleaners will clean it all up tomorrow morning, anyway.

But fret not, readers. I’m being told the count will still continue! We had gotten frighteningly close to tallying the last votes just before the assault, so it shouldn’t take long to wrap up the job. Granted, our lead counter was one of the deceased, but we’ve got a replacement en route and so should have the results very soon.

Gosh it’s been a long day.

– Flynn

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