Bulletin Updates, Issue #2

TOWN ALERT: Stay away from Crumble Lookout

A significant fight is taking place at the Crumble lookout, with reports and hearsay flowing into the Bulletin as fast as Mary and Higgins can sort through it.

What’s going on?

It’s currently believed that Mr Butler, father of 17-year-old Janice Butler, has finally caught up with the Crumble Bulletin’s Flynn Harris and has begun what he calls a Duel of Honor, but what the rest of us call a fight to the death.

Although attempting to flee on multiple occasions, Flynn seems to have given in, planted his feet, and is actually – would you believe it, because I sure don’t – fighting back.

Also embroiled in the fight is the sheriff, at least thirteen other combatants, and numerous bystanders, onlookers and enablers. Steve and Olivia are running a special stick sale from their mobile cart just next to Dead Man’s Bridge, with Holly Stein and Miriam from Shoulda Woulda both en route to sell armour (so go grab a good deal, if nothing else!). Doctor Goldstein has also reported on-scene to provide urgent medical care to those who have suffered injury. We’ve been notified that he will treat people based on number of limbs lost.

THIS is what our town needs. More of this exact thing. I’m gonna head up there right now – if you wanna feel the good old days, get stuck in at the Crumble lookout. Mary’s coming too!

– Melvin

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