Bulletin Updates, Issue #3

Overlords comment: OK with new mayor

Overlord Primarch for Central Oughta Go announced today that, officially, Overlord Command is quite happy with the new mayor. Additionally, Overlord Primarch stated that “we should be happy we even have one.”

Overlords announce status on Moppers

In a further official press release – that is to say, when they came round, shot me in the leg as seems to be customary, and made an official statement – the Overlords expressed not only satisfaction for our newly elected Mayor Minopoly, but also rare praise.

“Your weak, fleshy so-called mayor has finally taken a stance on pathetic human lifeforms that the Overlords have been using successfully for centuries,” stated political commentator unit C3-217.

“Organic beings cannot be allowed to live without a policy of extreme containment, which the insignificant flesh bag known as Minopoly has finally seen.”

When I asked C3-217 whether or not they were going to uphold the tradition of regularly torturing Crumble’s mayor, I was told that – surprisingly – this was actually in consultation. Should they decide not to proceed with the famous torture sessions, it would make Mayor Minopoly the first mayor ever in recorded history to come out the other end unscathed. Well, at least unscathed by the Overlords, anyway.

“The organic creature known as Mayor Minopoly has policies in line with Overlord interests, and at this time we are discussing whether or not this warrants freedom from regular Conditioning Sessions,” stated C3-217, moments after one of his H-unit bodyguards shot me in the leg a second time.

More on this as it develops! … and after I go to Doctor Goldstein for some quick surgery.

– Flynn

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