Bulletin Updates, Issue #1

Join Shoulda Wooda’s hunting party today!

Hi all, Miriam from Shoulda Wooda here, with a big thanks first off to Flynn an’ Mary an’ that for lettin’ me post on this here Bulletin.


Wood. I just love the word.


Half the town is built with the stuff, an’ Shoulda Wooda studies have shown that the other half will be replaced by wood within the next 10 years (’cause the other half is rubbish). But, in order to achieve this fantastic dream, we need YOUR help.

We’re puttin’ together a huntin’ party to pop over the One Acre Wall and collect more buildin’ material. We’ll pay ya well, an’ even supply the axes, flamevomitters, and meat decoys. All we need is yer soft flesh, strong hands, and for ya to turn up at the Shoulda Wooda compound tomorrow morning. We’ll all set out together. Meals not provided.

Build a better Crumble, everyone. Help Shoulda Wooda get more wood!


Such a great word.

Shoulda? Woulda? Coulda, with Shoulda Wooda wood supplies and scented oils.

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