Bulletin Updates, Issue #1

Help with the Crumble repairs

Walk around the township and you’ll see plenty of hovels in a state of disrepair. We’re not going to point any fingers at who is to blame for this widespread destruction, but we can’t sweep it under the rug and pretend it isn’t there, either. That said, good on Old Man McGregor for giving it his best shot. You keep trying, sir. You’ll sweep up that house eventually.

Got a strong arm and some spare time?

Anyone with a strong arm and some spare time should grab whatever tools are available and help their fellow Crumble folk rebuild and repair. It’s bloody hard putting a roof on by yourself, so stop pointing and gossipping and get stuck in with a hammer (or just your fists, if your skin is tough enough).

Also, whoever stole some of the wood panels from out front of the Crumble Bulletin office, please come and give them back. Our office is a blatantly different colour to most Crumble homes. If we see those bits of wood stuck to your crappy hovel, we’re ripping them off and putting them where they belong. Poor Mary has a hole in her wall! It’s all drafty and my paper is flying away.

Come on people, less phooey more do-ey!

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