Bulletin Updates, Issue #2

Flynn missing! Melvin writing for little while

Howdy all, Melvin Li here with a totally un-Melvin, un-opinionated announcement.

Temporary change in writer

Flynn, after his glorious interview with Edwina Packard, has vanished from Crumble. In the meantime, I will keep you updated with the usual content, until such time as Flynn is found, or I kill myself at having to do this.

I swear, back in my Crumble, the good ol’ Crumble, a man who wanted a woman just stood up and said it, loud and proud. Bugger the age difference, bugger the limb difference, and bugger anyone’s opinion – least of all her father. Hell, shooting dads was a rite of passage.

And the women? Well, they could just rock up to whichever man they liked and demand he like them back. Who would say no staring down the barrel of a shotgun? Or receiving blows to the head with a blunt instrument. Dating was simpler back then. Like everything.

If you ask me, Flynn don’t deserve Janice Butler – not if he can’t beat her dad in a fist fight. How else is he meant to propose marriage? Or have the pansy modern bastards gone and changed that, too?

Anyway. Flynn is gone, I’m writing, good day to you.


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