Bulletin Updates, Issue #3

Bewayor the Mayor! He’s not who you think he is

We are the Risisters!

We’ve hijacked the Crumble Bulletin’s bulletin board to bring you a dire warning.

To all those who still defend Mayor Minopoly after all he’s done – the homes, the money, the insults, the so many ‘what whats’ (honestly it’s just…so annoying to listen to) – we have a warning for you.


We have an inside source who knows the mayor and has seen him when he is sleeping and eating. He’s not a real person, but actually a hideous blob monster capable of opening his cavernous jaws and swallowing you whole. His favourite food is your children. Yes, YOUR children. Yours specifically. This is what our inside source tells us, but that source has to remain anonymous for fear of being swallowed whole. You understand.

Bewayor. You can’t trust blob monsters, no matter how much money they offer you.

We are the Risisters. And we are Resisting.

– The Resisters (who are Resisting).

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