Bulletin Updates, Issue #1

ANGRY MOB REQUIRED: Inquire at Bulletin office

Citizens of Crumble. Higgins, Melvin, and I are putting together an angry mob for this weekend. You can already guess the reason. See below for further information:

What type of mob will it be?

We are going with a classic Crumble mob, with ugliest, angriest faces in a row of about 10 people for our front line. Progressing back will be a diamond-pattern rabble, expanding out towards the middle to house our strongest fighters, and slowly dipping back to meet our slowest, weakest or laziest participants.

If you suffer walking disabilities such as legs that don’t work, legs that are missing, or multiple legs you haven’t quite figured out how to use yet, please let us know when you apply. We can organise wheelchairs, stretchers, or piggybacks. This is an all-inclusive mob.

What do I need to bring?

The Crumble Bulletin has a limited supply of weapons and has not been allowed to stock more since Crumble News Now exploded. Due to this, we cannot supply you with armaments, and thus you will need to bring your own.

Effective weapons include:

  • Pipes
  • Wooden planks
  • Construction tools
  • Actual weapons
  • Amputated limbs

Please do not forget your weapon! It will be super embarrassing if you do, and we’ll have to put you in the back. TORCHES NOT REQUIRED. Shoulda Woulda has kindly agreed to sponsor this mob, and will supply wood for burning.

PLEASE BE HERE AT NIGHTFALL COME THIS WEEKEND. If you miss out, you won’t get another chance.

– Flynn Harris

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