Bulletin Updates, Issue #2

A reminder about your Voting Card

Hi all, Amelia Anderson from the Town Council here.

Eating your voting card is strictly prohibited whilst on electoral premises (i.e. town hall). Although there’s been a distinct rise in starvation in Crumble recently, you must absolutely, 100%, without the shadow of the faintest, teensy-weensy doubt, chew, swallow (or both) your elections Voting Card.

If you eat it for the meagre, pathetic sustenance that it will give your dying body, you will lose something far more important than a few fingernails or bits of skin – you’ll lose your chance to Have a Say.

Lose your voice and the people of Crumble suffer, not just you.

So, choose the many over the one this Voting Day, folks. Don’t eat your damned cards!

– The Town Council

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