Bulletin Updates, Issue #1

New adventurer in town

Morning all!

If you’ve been around the town centre at any point today, you’ll have no doubt noticed that we have ourselves our very own Crumble heroic adventurer – finally!

Now, I know you’ve all been waiting a long time for one of these … what was it that Johnny Wilkes used to call them before he got beheaded? Oh yes, I remember … these badass motherfuckers, and I’m absolutely delighted to tell you that this one appears in far better condition than our last adventurer. That is to say, she’s not bleeding out and we expect her to last at least overnight.

Bring out those tasks

Please start thinking about the various jobs you require a hero for and be sure to chat with her before she wanders off again. Robby from down the ways told me that she has a good rifle on her back, a pistol on her hip and a whole bunch of grenades. That means this hero is probably well-suited to hunting tasks. Let’s not go bogging her down by asking her to deliver mail or anything like that (Old Man McGregor, this means you as well you lazy old slug).

Actually, I think I might ask her to go claim the debts that Missy Fletcher worked up before she moved up to One Acre. Nothing like a good broken leg or three to help Missy find her cash, amiright?

Anyone else got debts to settle with Missy? Get in touch ASAP.

– Flynn Harris

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